We are surrounded by thousands of distractions every day. The phone buzzes with a notification, we get an email, we get caught up in the scroll on social media, we have errands to run, household chores to take care of, and probably hear "Look Mommy!" a million times a day.
At the end of the day, you might be feeling like you were so busy during the day, but you still didn't get as much done as you wanted. I hear you, and I've felt that way before too. Now I have a system to help me prioritize and manage my time better so I can get the important things done.
Here are 7 steps you can take to focus on what matters and what is truly important:
1 - Create (or refine) goals in the different areas of life - Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (your career), Faith, Friends, and Fun. Set 3 goals in each area for a total of 21, then narrow down to the most important 7 goals, then 1 final “Oola One” goal. This one thing should be something that - if it happens - would radically transform your life for the better. Setting goals can be overwhelming, so if you need help in this area, you can check out my blog post HERE about how to set goals so you can actually achieve them.
2 - Determine your action steps under each goal. Brainstorm all the things that need to happen to reach your goal.
3 - Review that list daily and take 3 action steps per day toward your goals (these are the oranges). These should be the priorities to get done that day. These are things that move your life forward toward where you want to be.
4 - Then complete other to-do’s that you still need to get done (the skittles). These are other tasks, errands, chores, appointments, etc. that you still need to get done but they don’t move you forward toward achieving your goals.
See more about oranges vs. skittles here - presented by The Oola Guys at Oolapalooza 2021.
5 - Track your progress along the way. Our companion app works great for this - and you can also see your goals right in the app too! You can also journal or use a notebook if you like to write things out.
6 - Get accountability and support in our amazing community. We have all the tools and resources you need to be successful.
7 - For a deeper dive, work with me as your coach to keep you on track. Text chat or video call options are available.
Following these steps is a great way to start moving toward your dream life, your Oola life.
If you need help in any of these areas - setting goals, prioritizing your time, taking action, or staying accountable - that’s precisely what you get with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
And you can now add coaching from a Certified Oola Life Coach (like me!) to get you to your goals faster and keep you on track.
If you’re not sure where to start, let’s connect and I’d be happy to see how I can help you. You can book a free call with me HERE.